Very thank you Shun Hao to guide us these days in Singapore..
Learnt many english words from him..
Learnt many 道理 from him too..
5 thgs i saw in singapore :
1. They like to read book, using hp to listen music/duno play wat, and chit-chat
2. many lovers,they like to hug/ bus or MRT..special the youths(= =")
3. They are vry thin : izit too stress? or singapore food nt nice? They are like bones = ="
ohya, they like to wear slipers than shoes.
4. Singapore cars are designed Front 扁 and stream-line one.
5. Many Malaysian are there..
Singapore really vry safe..wont hv robberies, bus gt tv news everyday.
Vry convienent juz by bus or train anytimw anywhr..
But too convienent wif this two vehiecles, so sienz and tired by keep changing the BUS and MRT.
The 1 i regret in this 3days trip is
Me juz use 15mins to look around my NUS study campus..haiz..
Hvn go for NUS accommodation(izit will like NTU that = =")
But my frenz said NUS hostel like hotel 1 de wor..
oso duno is the truth ont ><
NTU hostel minimum fees SD150 per mth, NUS SD240 ..
I am really out of time here to buy surveniors..
2nd day walked for 12hrs adi..non-stop..
1st and 3rd day juz keep sitting ..
rush here rush thr.. tired...
I have taken few photos, after i collected all wif shun peng then i will post in my facebook.
My skin started gt allergic,vry itchy ..
Mayb 2nd day walked for 12hrs,sweating many, then get de gua ..
Got clinic in NTU and Hospital in NUS too..
convienent for their students..
Singapore gt 3type of line : SingTel, Starhub and M1
I have bought a new sim card in singapore , my Starhub hp no in singapore 98862522.
It also gt 2type of prepaid card reload, SD18 , can use in 6mth,if u are few using hp de, can use this
SD28 , juz last for 50days, free RM 100 to call to Msia, left SD28 to call wif ur frenz in Singapore.
By the time i m using Maxis in Singapore, my mum called me ><
The fee is divided into both acc..
No wonder my money will deduct automatically la..
Havent go more places in singapore..
Maybe i looked this days' place juz 冰山一脚 oni..
Still gt nice thgs to eat, and nice thgs to play 1..
These 3days...
nt so enjoying lo..cuz too rush le..
Bt still ok la..cuz i hv learnt many before my course start..
Really vry thank you My frenz for accompaning..
8 个月前
2 条评论:
Don't scare me la.
Really very bad meh the toilet..
So sad.
Ur frenz de hostel is which hall de?
Suite style?
I mean share toilet with lots ppl.
oo..I stayed in Hall 4 la..
juz Hall 2 hv own toilet lo..
My frenz said hor, if u staying longer with that, u will get used to it le><
NTU thr gt higher class de Hall de,
Normally gt 16halls,
So if u dun1 the hall given, u can use ur Cocurriculum Points GP to change wif the room u want de lo..
Not all are the same der..
Still hv some places different der..
check properly lo^^