1. 忙着处理身为外籍生的文件,手续申请也需要一段日子:
Apply MOE tuitian Grant, Student Pass in SG, Waiting for Tuitian Fees Loan replied.
2. 大学时间表真的要很谨慎的安排,怕这个科目的时间跟另外5个科目有时间上的相撞
而且NUS的课程时间表需要投标的,不是我想要这个时间就这个时间 ><
Emm..every NUS students will have their own Points to bid.
3. 我想学习玩Tennis, Squash,Golf,加强CueSport,Swimming ^^
4. NUS学会实在是太多选择了,我有兴趣的学会是Archery,AirWeapon,Mountaining,RockClimbing,BizCom,EusoffWorks:学弄video短片和摄影。
这两个月又必须参与这几项的Intro Talk和一些Season Training.
- 还一直要注意它们的Interview日期..to be a member ...
5. NUS的活动多不胜数,接着要来的是RAG DAY, Inter-Hall Games, Inter-Faculty Games和 一系列的Welcome Tea.
-RagDay就是NUS学生为了答谢大众在FlagDay的捐款而呈现的花车和表演 他们筹备了整整3个月的时间来设计+建立自己(Faculty/Hall)的花车, 人手不足,需要新生的帮忙..24hrs working everyday ><
-Inter-Block games 是同一间宿舍内不同Block的宿舍生的运动项目的比赛,
-Inter-hall Games 是宿舍间的运动项目的比赛,
-Inter-Faculty Games 是科系间的学生的运动项目的比赛
6. 参与BWW(创业的训练课程- e-Commerce)每个星期三晚上来回NUS-TanjungPagar-NUS
Super- Duper Challenging arh !!!
Opps, I need to learn English tim..
8 个月前
2 条评论:
Rich Dad did mention that when we get out to the investment world, the bank don't ask for our report card. The bank will not ask how many As do you get.
Hope you understand what Rich Dad said. Enjoy the "process" not the result.
Yesterday, our little ZH asked me "What have you learned today"
It's a wonderful question. What have you learned today?
Thank you for your sentence!!
I will keep in my mind everynight.